Pádraic S. Ó Murchú Speaker


Full name
Pádraic S. Ó Murchú
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Binghamstown South Electoral Divisoin, Westport-Belmullet Municipal District, County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
(a bhí ann) len ár linn fhéin in our times Calendar & Seasons Everyday phrases Time Language Feelings
go forleathan widely Adverbs Comparatives
raibh na seanleaganacha sin ag éinne le cluins, ach an a bhí tógtha le Gaeilge on gcliabhán those sayings won't have been heard by anyone, except native speakers Language People Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings
naoinán baby in the cradle (up to about 1) Objects People The home Everyday phrases Age
(is tú) an maistín a child who might be starting to walk who is being cranky/bold People Feelings Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases
mírtúnach child of about nine or ten years People Age Physical descriptions Family Life & death
is minic a déarfaí it would often be said Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Idioms Language
na seanbhoiceanna th'oul-fellas People Colloquialisms Relationships Adjectives Feelings
bodghasúir tomboy Personality Everyday phrases People Adjectives Feelings
Bhíodh na páistí The children used to be (note pronunciation 'veef') People Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Past participle
Nuair a théadh siad dona scoile When they used to / would go to school Activities Everyday phrases School Verbs Time
(agus) Is minic a thugtaí ainmeacha ar leith ar gasúir mhóra It was often that special names would be given to big children Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives People Everyday phrases
gíplach A big, strong child Adjectives People Physical descriptions Likes & dislikes Relationships
príomaire mór big, strong child Adjectives People Physical descriptions Life & death Children
stróinse big strong young person Adjectives People Personality Physical descriptions Age