Séan Ó hEinirí Speaker


Full name
Séan Ó hEinirí
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Knockadaff Electoral Division, Westport-Belmullet Municipal District, County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
"agus d'éirigh an slua meáin pháistí amach ón doras.” "and a crowd of halfling children rose up outside the door" Fantasy Creatures action/events Past Tense Neutral
"Ah muise", a dúirt sí, "Amadaín" "well indeed", she said, "you fool". Discourse Markers Insult Direct Speech Contemptuous Tone
nach ndéarfá’ a dúirt ‘go bhfuil sách fada ar an tsaol anois! wouldn’t you think [lit: say] that you are long enough on this world now! Interrogative Imperative Suggestion Modal Verb Exclamatory
Nach láidir nár inis do sheanathair do sheanmháthair an obair seo duit it's a wonder [lit: Isn't it powerful] that your grandfather or grandmother never explained this business to you Family Relationships Learning and Knowledge Subjunctive Mood Clausal Object
fado ó shin, nuair a bhí ag suas. a long time ago, when you were growing up. Time Expression Personal Growth Past Tense Nostalgic
'Nach bhfuil fhios agat’ a dúirt ‘nár cheart duit uisce broghach a chaitheamh amach? 'Do you not know', she said, "that it's not right throw out dirty water" Interrogative Indirect Speech present tense reproachful
Sin iad na páistí a fhaghanns bás gan bhaisteadh atá ag imeacht anois ag feitheamh ar fhuascailt. those are the children who die unbaptized that are wandering, waiting for redemption. Religion Eternity Complex Sentence Melancholic
"Sin iad na haingle a dtugann siad aingle na dtrí sciathán orthu." "Those are the angels they call the angels of the three wings." Supernatural Entities Plurality Third Person Plural Explanatory
‘Cén sórt aingle iad sin?’ a dúirt sé. "What sort of angels are they?" said he. Interrogative supernatural Direct Speech Curiosity
‘Bhuel, sin iad na páistí’ a dúirt 'well those are the children' she said demonstrative pronoun subject-verb agreement Indicative Reported Speech
"an fear a fhaghanns bás gan bhaisteadh" "of the man who dies unbaptized" Possession Relative Clause Prepositional Phrase Solemn
Agus cén seort aingle,’ a duirt sé, aingle an da sciathan? And what sort of angels are the two-winged angels?’ said he. Question Religion & Mythology Direct Speech Curiosity
‘Sin iad na haingle cearta’, a dúirt sí, ‘a bhíonns baistithe agus a fhaghanns bás' 'Those are the real angels,’ said she, ‘ the ones who die after baptism' Religion Life and Death Pronouns Reported Speech
a théanns thríd thaobh na lámha nach mbíonn aon pheaca orthu that pass through the hands without any sin Passiveness Religion & Morality Prepositional Phrase Contemplative
agus a chuirtear go deas cliste ins an teampall. and are buried neat and proper in the graveyard. Past Tense Adverbial Phrase Description Passive Voice