Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
sídhtheamhail subject to sudden storms (in October) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
gáiriúlacht style (in dress), show off of dress (from one informant only) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
acfuinneach duine acfuinneach .i. duine urradhanta/urúnta/. strong, durable, hardy focailfholaithe Log in to hear
draoth féach an draoch atá air ag gáirí; chuir an madadh draoch air héin liom stripping of teeth, snarl focailfholaithe Log in to hear
ghamhnaigh stripper cow focailfholaithe Log in to hear
breacadh tá breacadh an scadáin ionntú, .i. tá do lorgain breac ag a' tinidh (Sb). Vb.: ní caoirigh iad go mbreaca siad, ní ba go ndubha siad, sheep are not mature or full grown until they brighten in colour, nor cows until they become fully black (when younger, black cattle are usually brownish in colour) (MMt). streaks of different colour, markings focailfholaithe Log in to hear
aduain strange, unusual focailfholaithe Log in to hear
saighead uisce saighdannaí stone from air flung by fairies. These are preserved in water which is used to cure sick cattle: uisce saghdannaí is the name of this water focailfholaithe Log in to hear
troisc throiscfeá .i. ní shaothróchá orad is thabharfadh biadh agus beatha duit. starve focailfholaithe Log in to hear
balabhán stammerer focailfholaithe Log in to hear
tarraint stammer, impediment of speech focailfholaithe Log in to hear
spot spot focailfholaithe Log in to hear
rógaire spill to light pipe, súgán cochain a' lasadh puíop' focailfholaithe Log in to hear
frionga frionga go choróin na glóire; plur. friongaí .i. spící ar a' gcoróin spíona, spikes on the crown of thorns spike focailfholaithe Log in to hear
troilithe tá sé i n-a shean-fhear troilithe, he is a shaky old man. spent, worn, senile focailfholaithe Log in to hear