Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
cuthail shy, bashful focailfholaithe Log in to hear
crupaim crupaim is intransitive and is differentiated from crapaim above, which is transitive and means 'to contract, retract, withdraw': a' crupadh le aois, shrinkin with age; tá na nóiníní a' crupadh isteach leis a' driúchta, the daisies are closing up under the dew. The two participles are combined to form one of those 'twin' constructions which are so expressive and common in the dialect: crupthaí crapthaí, strangled and bent under weight of curach carrying it up on to the shingle beach shrink focailfholaithe Log in to hear
cnap go mbeidh crapaíl tráthnónaí agus toirní shower; plur. in -aíl focailfholaithe Log in to hear
ráig shower, one shower after another focailfholaithe Log in to hear
múr shower focailfholaithe Log in to hear
cluiche cluife gliomach i mbárr an uisce (agus an-torann á dhéanamh acú leis) na crúbaí shoal focailfholaithe Log in to hear
trathailte thainic sé isteach bog báite is é trathailtí. shivering wet focailfholaithe Log in to hear
scoradh tá an t-arbhar a' scoradh .i. an grán a' titim de shedding focailfholaithe Log in to hear
seid shed focailfholaithe Log in to hear
cloch fhaobhair c. aoil, lime-stone; c. ghlas, schist or quartz; c. bhreac, granite; c. gheal, white , metamorphosed rock, ach gan a ligean (isteach) i n-aon bhildáil (i ngeall ar) phisleógaí sharpening stone focailfholaithe Log in to hear
tuit fan go dtite siad, wait till they settle down (before you go head them) - said of freshly made cocks of hay. settle focailfholaithe Log in to hear
baint tá mé baintí as mo mheabhair set crazy, driven daft focailfholaithe Log in to hear
saighdiúaí seed-heads and stems of narrow-leaved plantain (slánlus) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
seánadh see taisbeánadh infra. focailfholaithe Log in to hear
ceannruán See Éigse vi, 37, for description. This I take to be the common goby; cf. Larousse: gobidés . . . osseux, de petite taille, avec une grosse téte, des yeux plus ou moins saillants, des nageoires pelviennes. Young lads in Tóin na hOltaí collect them in buckets to feed cats: íosaidh na cait iad. focailfholaithe Log in to hear