Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
tobar beannaithe ann that there is a Holy well Buildings Religion Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases
nach rabh ceart ag aon bhean an t-uisce a thógáil. that is it not right for any woman to take water from Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Feelings Relationships
Dhá dtóigthí and if water is taken Verbs Everyday phrases Life & death Activities Health
go dtiompódh that would turn Verbs To be able to Activities
an t-uisce ina fhuil the water into blood Abstract nouns Food and drink Disaster Religion Everyday phrases
gus thóigeann bean ar bith And no woman takes People Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Negation
aon dath uisce ó shin as. any type of water from there, since then Everyday phrases Geographical terms Prepositions Time Abstract nouns
dhá h-oileáin Inis ina luī amach ó Leathinis an Mhuirthead. The two Inishkea islands lie off the Mullet peninsula Geographical terms Place names The seashore Adjectives Numbers
Bhí, bhí go breá, bhí go breá, bhí fearthainn mór, cinnte, ar bhall éigean Oh it was fine (weather), fine, there was big downpour, soon after. Weather Feelings Adjectives Activities Comparison
dhá duine dhéag is fhicid fifty-two people Numbers People Amount
Ar bhris an stoirm an-tobann a Phat? Did the storm break suddenly Pat? Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Disaster
Oh, thainig an stoirm, thaing an-tobann, an-tobann - gála mór. The storm came very quickly - big swell. Weather Adverbs Adjectives Disaster Noise and sounds
An raibh sibh gar don trá ag an am sin? Were you near the shore at that time? Everyday phrases Seashore Time Questions Places
leathmhíle no mar sin abhí muid amach we were about have a mile out Activities Measurement Verbs Everyday phrases Transport
ach bhí na heangacha tógtha i gcoinne a but the nets were taken against it Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Activities Feelings