Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
bóbha call to an ass to stop, halt Activities Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Log in to hear
bin! bin! bin! call for turkeys (to food) Food and drink Activities Animals Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
pin! pin! call for turkeys (to food, etc.) Activities Food and drink Animals Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
pluc coise calf of leg Anatomy Parts of the body Physical descriptions Animals Objects Log in to hear
cnádán burdock; Plants Food and drink Countryside Animals Folklore Log in to hear
boc 'séard a bhí ann boc (AC); boc achrannach ar a mhisc, a contrary buck when drunk (HE). buck, lad (not complimentary) Colloquialisms Adjectives Feelings People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cruach Pháraic broad-leaved plantain Plants Objects Adjectives Countryside Geographical terms Log in to hear
bríce chomh díreach leis a' mbríce brick Prepositions Objects Adjectives Everyday phrases Construction Log in to hear
drís talamh an dris, smior a' talaimh. An Sean-dall Glic always knew good land from the bramles or briars that were growing on it (MMt). (the best of land). bramble Plants Food and drink Geographical terms Adjectives Abstract nouns Log in to hear
docsa bhuail sé le docsa mé, he struck me a box on the ear box Activities Feelings Physical contact Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
caindéal bottom of barrel (stanna) Objects Everyday phrases Idioms Activities Feelings Log in to hear
crosta bó chrost', a "wicked" cow. bold, ill-mannered (of children) Animals Adjectives Feelings Colloquial expressions Personality Log in to hear
roilleóg bog myrtle Plants Food and drink Geographical terms Log in to hear
báchrán bog bane Colors Geographical terms Plants Log in to hear
blocán a'bhuaidh block of cork on a buoy Objects Seashore wildlife Transport Materials Everyday phrases Log in to hear