Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
cionn goil ina chionn, to undertake it; le goil i gcionn na Gaeilge ceart, to go into, examine, or take up correct, proper Irish Activities Language Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
ciontaí ní rabh ciontaí ar bith aige liom-s, he had no fault to find with me Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
cipín lá sa gcipín .i. lá sa mbaile, a wet day when one can't do any work Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
claoidhte Add translation add Log in to hear
cleamáil a' cleamáil gamhnaí, sqeezing calves, i. castrating with burdizzo. Activities Animals Farming life Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cleas ní rabh cor ná cleas as, (the boy) was very quiet and well conducted in a strange house Adjectives Feelings People Everyday phrases Places Log in to hear
cléat a' tolladh cléat curaigh Activities Food and drink Verbs Folklore The seashore Log in to hear
cleiteach tá an garla cleiteach ar a' gcirc, the hen is in her pen-feathers Animals Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Places Log in to hear
cloigíneacht a' cloigíneacht orthaí People Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Language Log in to hear
cluanach a' chluanach dhearg, knot-grass, red-legs, polygonum persicaria; a' chluanach bhán, pale-flowered knot-grass, polygonum lapathifolium: spot geal air. D. gives glúineach dhearg, persicaria, which seems to be taken from N. Colgan 'Gaelic Plant and Animal Names', in Section 1 of Clare Island Survey. Plants Animals Geographical terms Food and drink Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cluas bain a' chluas duíom má thugann tú an lámh faoi'n talamh leat (ars an tAthair Mánus) (Sb). = 'mark my words'. Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
coimsgear cailín deas coimsgear, a neat and tidy girl (PsC); bláfar coimsgear, neat and tidy. Adjectives Feelings People Everyday phrases Physical descriptions Log in to hear
coinín coincí ar a' bpuíopa cailc' i. the little stem underneath for drainage on clay pipe Objects Physical descriptions Everyday phrases Activities Geographical terms Log in to hear
cóir níl éinne a fhanans le cóir nach bhfánn é (sean-ocal) Everyday phrases Idioms Proverbs Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
colg 'Tá colg air' adéarfaí faoi mhadadh a bheith ag goil a' troid, with the hair standing (ruffled) on him, ready for fight. Feelings Animals Facial expressions Adjectives Activities Log in to hear