Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
scannail is olc í an scannail sa gcóir ná san éagóir, g. to accuse someone of stealing something in the right or in the wrong (it gives scandal) Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
scealb scealab cloich' , píosa géar Objects Geographical terms Shapes Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
sceataí lá sceataí .i. lá dósta, lá a mbeith gaoth láidir is fearthainn chruaidh Calendar & Seasons Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
sceinn used transitively: go scinfadh sí an Curach .i. go nglanfadh sí é, that she would sweep the Curragh, i. Polly, a racing mare from Erris Activities Animals People Verbs Geographical terms Log in to hear
scioll go sciolla tú é .i. an fheóil a bhaint dhá chrámhaí Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships Log in to hear
scláiteóg Add translation add Log in to hear
scoith scoith muid thú, we passed you out (on the road) (CN); scoith sí iad, thóig sí an rás orthú, she won the race from them (Sb). Activities Conversation Verbs Feelings Transportation Log in to hear
scrachóg an mhadaidh uisc' spaga a dhéanamh de, agus bé' do phócaí lán i gcónaí, the otter's bladder (?), make a purse of it and your pockets will be always full (of money) Activities Everyday phrases Food and drink Proverbs Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
seamair a' tseamhair Mhuire, ceire dilleógaí orthaí (Sb), the four-leaved shamrock (AL). Plants Folklore Animals Language Abstract nouns Log in to hear
síofrógaí Add translation add Log in to hear
sláimín sláimín go bhean, a slovenly untidy "clot" of a woman; sláimín Saturday, a lazy bad housekeeper who leaves all her work, washing etc., over till Saturday. Adjectives Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Personality Log in to hear
slám slám olainne, a roll of wool tuairim 's punt (TmB); slám ceó, a piece of fog or foggy cloud. Objects Food and drink Weather Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
slubaire slubaire bróch, a person slovenly in speech and messy generally. Adjectives People Feelings Personality Everyday phrases Log in to hear
sméadhamh níl s. ar bith sa tinidh agad, your fire is nearly dead Everyday phrases Feelings Health Adjectives Conversation Log in to hear
sméarthacht a' sméarthacht a cinn, rubbing her head, fingering her hair Activities Feelings Physical contact The body Adverbs Log in to hear