Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
's nuair a tháinic coirnéal a' bhóthair and when he came to the corner of the road Prepositions Verbs Everyday phrases Places Transportation
casadh leis tarbh he met with a bull Animals People Activities Verbs Physical contact
agus labhair an tarbh leis and the bull spoke to him Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships
agus dúirt sé go mbeadh leis and he said, that he would belong to him Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs Pronouns
"maith mar a tharla" ar seisean "good that it happened" says he Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Conversation Idioms
téana liom come with me Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Relationships Physical contact
shiúil siad ar fhad a bhóthar they walked along the road Activities Verbs Prepositions The city Transport
agus casadh leofa and they met Activities Verbs Relationships Conversation Past participle
gabhar a goat Animals Abstract nouns Food and drink Life & death Personality
labhair an gabhar leofa the goat spoke to them Animals Verbs Conversation Feelings Relationships
agus dúirt an gabhar and the goat said Animals Conversation Verbs Folklore Life & death
go mbeadh leofa that she would belong to them Relationships Verbs Feelings Abstract nouns Pronouns
agus casadh leofa gandal they met a gander Animals Verbs People Everyday phrases Physical contact
gandal ghé...ghé a male goose...goose Animals People Adjectives Geographical terms Food and drink
agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh leis and the gandel said he would belong to them People Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs