Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
d’oscail an doras agus chaith amach ar an gcnoc é. he opened the door and he threw it out onto the hillside Action Sequence Physical Movement Compound Sentence Active Voice
Agus ar áit na bonn nuair a chaith amach an t-uisce ins an doras And the moment he threw the water out the door, Temporal Sequence Actions Past Tense Narrative
d’éirigh an tslua meáin pháistí up rose a host of ‘mid children’ (children between worlds) Fantasy Elements Complex Structures Noun Phrase Literary
agus thosaigh siad ag gártháil. and started shouting Verb Phrase Action Past Tense Aggressive
Chonaic ag imeacht iad mar a bheadh cnap míoltóga ón teach he saw them disappear, as would a swarm of midges, from the house Observation Simile Past Tense Narrative
agus níl ann go ndearna aníos é go dtí an leaba san áit a raibh a bhean ina codladh. Agus d’inis an scéal daoithe and he barely made it back down to the bed where his wife was sleeping. And he told her what happened [lit: the story] Narrative Past Actions Past Perfect Tense Reflective
‘Céard ‘tá ort?’ a dúirt sí. "What's wrong with you?" She said Interrogatives Health/Well-being Question Form Confrontational
"ceard 'tá ort?", a dúrt "what's wrong with you?" she said Interjection Indirect Speech Past Simple Neutral
Á bhail,” a dúirt sé, “tá rud cluinstes anocht agam nár mhoithigh ariamh "O well", he said, "I head something tonight that I never hear before". Informal Expression Reported Speech Past Tense Reflective
"Céard a mhoithigh tú?", a dúirt "What did you hear?, she said Interrogative Reported Speech Past Simple Curiosity
Chaith amach an t-uisce broghach a bhí fágtha thíos sa gcanna agat ó oíche,’ a dúirt ‘amach ar an gcnoc' I threw out the dirty water that you left in the can last night’ he said ‘out on the hill' Clauses Direct Speech Past Tense Reported Speech
"agus d'éirigh an slua meáin pháistí amach ón doras.” "and a crowd of halfling children rose up outside the door" Fantasy Creatures action/events Past Tense Neutral
"Ah muise", a dúirt sí, "Amadaín" "well indeed", she said, "you fool". Discourse Markers Insult Direct Speech Contemptuous Tone
nach ndéarfá’ a dúirt ‘go bhfuil sách fada ar an tsaol anois! wouldn’t you think [lit: say] that you are long enough on this world now! Interrogative Imperative Suggestion Modal Verb Exclamatory
Nach láidir nár inis do sheanathair do sheanmháthair an obair seo duit it's a wonder [lit: Isn't it powerful] that your grandfather or grandmother never explained this business to you Family Relationships Learning and Knowledge Subjunctive Mood Clausal Object