Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
[inaudibe], sea, sílim, silím gur chuala é sin cheart go leor [inaudible], yes, I think, I think I heard that one before, right enough Confirmation Memory Subordinate Clause Agreement
Rugadh i nGaobhrán, sa teachsa, an teach ansin de comhair I was born in ​Geevraun, in the house, the house here opposite Place of Birth Home Past Tense Reflective
Bhíodh amuigh chuile He used to be outside every day Habitual Actions Past Habits Past Tense Neutral
go leor caint na laethanta seo There's a lot of talk these days Speculation Frequency Present Simple Neutral
An nach ndeanfaidh a ghraithe in am, bíonn ina phleist The one who does not to their work in time is foolish seanchas Log in to hear
an a bhíonn siúlach, bíonn scéalach The one who travels has many stories seanchas Log in to hear
An is cúinne, 'sé is buaine The one who is quiet, is most enduring seanchas Log in to hear
Cursaí iascaireacht Fishing matters Activities Abstract nouns Likes & dislikes Food and drink Countryside
Bhí fear ina chónaí leis féin i nGob Oiligh fadó a dtugadh siad Seán a' Ghoib air, agus raibh de chomhluadar aige faoi chaolach an ach dhá chat Cat mór bán ar bhaist Pílí Cat Bán air, agus cat dubh caol fada ar bhaist Caolchat na Luathadh air. There was a man living on his own on the Ely peninsula long ago that they called Seán of the Peninsula, and he had no company under the roof of the house except two cats. A big white cat he named White Pílí Cat, and a long slender black cat he named Speedy Slimcat. People Animals Places Everyday phrases Folklore
B'iontach na mátaí Seán agus Pílí Cat. Seán and Pílí Cat were wonderful mates. People Feelings Relationships Adjectives Animals
Bhíodh siad i gcónaí i gcuideacht'. They were always together. Adverbs Feelings Relationships Everyday phrases Verbs
Chuile áit dtéadh Seán, síos aníos an pháirc, thart ar an teach, siar sa ngarraí agus nuair a théadh ar a chuairt i dteach ar bith ar an mbaile, leanadh Pílí Cat é agus d'fhanadh taobh amuigh ar an bhfuinneog ag faire isteach a fhad is bheadh Seán ar a chuairt agus nuair a bheadh Seán ag tíocht abhaile dhá chuairt shiúladh Pílí Cat cois ar chois leis. Everywhere Seán went, up and down the field, around the house, west in the garden, and when he would visit any house in the town, Pílí the Cat would follow him and would stay outside by the window watching in as long as Seán was on his visit, and when Seán would be coming home from his visit, Pílí Cat would walk step by step with him. Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Places Transportation
Bhíodh Seán ina shuí cos na tineadh san oíche ag comhrá agus ag caint agus ag inseacht scéaltaí do Phílí Cat agus cluas ar Phílí Cat ag éisteacht leis. Seán would sit by the fire at night talking and chatting and telling stories to Pílí Cat, and Pílí Cat would listen attentively. Activities Feelings People Everyday phrases Animals
Bhíodh Seán ina shuí cois na tineadh agus a chúl leis an taster a bhí sa gcoirnéal. Seán used to sit by the fire with his back to the dresser that was in the corner. Activities Everyday phrases Furniture The home Physical descriptions
Bhíodh ag caitheamh a phuíop' agus ag faire isteach ar sholas na tineadh. He used to be smoking his pipe and gazing into the firelight. Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Rest and relaxation