Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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rud beag (caitin) i bpoll agus tobar uisce ag bun crainn agus dhá bhfaghadh trí bhraon de le n-ól leigheasódh í. "There is a small (...) thing in a hole and and there is a well of water at the bottom of a tree and if she got three drops of it to drink it would cure her". Abstract nouns Adjectives Food and drink Objects Feelings
Is mise le sin a dhéanamh gan mórán moille is a thabhairt 'uici. "And I am going to do that shortly and bring it to her." Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Adverbs Pronouns
Bhuel, mhoithigh an fear seo a bhí faoin mbairille an chaint. Well, this man who was under the barrel heard the talk. People Everyday phrases Verbs Objects Feelings
Chuirfeadh súil insa dall. "It would put eyes into the blind," he said. Idioms Feelings Conversation Relationships Verbs
Bhéarfadh amharc dhon dall is (chuirfeadh) súil sa nach bhfuil aon súil ina cheann. "It would bring sight to the blind and it would put eyes into the one who had no eyes in his head". Abstract nouns Feelings Idioms Life & death Health
Agus... bhuel, fhaghaimse é sin, arsa an fear seo, cuirfidh sé, b'fhéidir, súil in mo cheann. "And, well, if I get that," said this man, "perhaps it will put eyes in my head." Conversation Feelings Interjections People Idioms
. . .ní ar laethanta saoire, a déarfainn, atá se ann. . . . not on holidays, I would say, that's him. Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Idioms Adverbs
Is é an t-ainm anois atá ar an bhfear seo Padraic, Phádraic Thomáis Ó Raghallaigh, The name of this man is now Padraic, Phádraic Thomáis Ó Raghallaigh, People Names Conversation Everyday phrases Language
agus i Tenerife na laethanta seo. and he is in Tenerife these days. Geographical terms Time People Everyday phrases Places
Céad fáilte romhat, a Phádraic. A hundred thousand welcomes, Padraic. Everyday phrases Greetings Amounts Terms of endearment Feelings
Go raibh maith agat a Mháirtín. Thank you, Mháirtín. Everyday phrases Greetings People Terms of endearment Conversation
Cén chaoi an bhfuil tú? How are you? Conversation Greetings Everyday phrases
me go maith, mh'anam. I am well, by god (my soul). Feelings Everyday phrases Interjections Language To be able to
Cén chaoi an bhfuil féin? An-amhrán! théis an t-amhrán sin a chloisteáil. Bhí go hálainn. How are you yourself? Wonderful! I just heard that song. It was lovely. Everyday phrases Feelings Music Adjectives Conversation
Tá.. Darach Ó Cathain... Is maith leat Amhrán An Tae? Yes.. Darach Ó Cathain... Do you like "Amhrán An Tae"? Everyday phrases People Likes & dislikes Music Conversation