Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
Agus go raibh ag iarraidh rud éicint a leis faoin bocaide faoin ngabhar a bhí bailithe thar an gclaí, claí ann, And you wanted to say something to him about the goat that had gone over the fence, if there was a fence, Activities Animals Everyday phrases Relationships Verbs
Cén chaoi an ngabhfá dhá mhíniú sin i bhfeadaíl dhó? How would you explain that to him by whistling? Activities Conversation Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings
Go díreach, tuigthe 'ad. Exactly, you understand it. Conversation Everyday phrases Adverbs Feelings Verbs
Bhoil, is ea, sin é rud. . . ceist a bhíonns ann go minic, Well, yes, that's a thing. . . a question that often comes up, Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Interjections Arguments
chailleann mar shampla gabhar éicint, If you lose, for example, some goat, Animals Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs
Abair, gabhar níl a fhios agam cén dath, gabhar liath, abraimid, Say, a goat I don't know what color, a gray goat, let's say, Animals Colours Adjectives Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes
Bheifeá in ann feadaíl ag an bhfear, b'fheidir, ag an gcomharsa, ag leis - You could whistle at the man, maybe, at the neighbor, saying to him - Activities People Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings
"Gabh i leith, Tomás", cibé ainm a bheadh air, "Come here, Tomás", or whatever his name would be, Everyday phrases Conversation People Physical contact Pronouns
"An bhfaca an gabhar liath liom" rud, cibé fhéin é, "Have you seen my gray goat" or something, whatever it is, Animals Adjectives Everyday phrases Questions Feelings
Ach ag feadaíl, sa gcaoi go. . . But whistling, so. . . Activities Everyday phrases Noise and sounds Interjections Adverbs
Agus an bhfuil in ann ruainne beag dhe a dhéanamh dhom anois anseo ar an radio? And can you do a little bit of it for me now here on the radio? Everyday phrases Conversation Activities Time Adverbs
A' gcreideann ina dtaibhsaí - an taibhse? Do you believe in ghosts? Conversation Feelings Religion Folklore Questions