Darren Ó Riagáin Admin


Full name
Darren Ó Riagáin
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Tarbh 47, 47, Garden Street, Ardnaree, Ballina, Ballina Municipal District, County Mayo, Connacht, F26 C7KP, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
Géill suas give up / surrender Activities Verbs Feelings Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
faoi bhrú mhillteanach under awful pressure Feelings Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Adverbs Log in to hear
Bhí ceapaithe sa teach I was trapped in the house Activities Buildings Feelings The home Verbs Log in to hear
cúlra background Abstract nouns Objects Places Log in to hear
bhéadh It wouldn't be Everyday phrases Grammar Adverbs To be able to Feelings
Forbairt ghréasáin Web development Activities Objects Work Technology Language Log in to hear
Dearadh design Activities Abstract nouns Verbs Log in to hear
Difríochtaí/Éagsúlacht Differences/Variances Abstract nouns Comparatives Arguments Life & death Feelings Log in to hear
Ciapach Annoying Adjectives Feelings Personality Log in to hear
Cuireann isteach orm It bothers me Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
Ag gárthaíl cheering/roaring Activities Noise and sounds Feelings Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
Bhféidir go dtógfaidh muid Maybe we will build Activities Future Verbs Everyday phrases Conversational Log in to hear
dúil agam go n-éireoidh linn I hope we will succeed Feelings Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
faic/dadaí/tadaí nothing, zilch Abstract nouns Amount Log in to hear
An dtig leat/An dtiocfadh leat Can you/Could you Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Greetings To be able to Log in to hear