Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Speaker


Full name
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh
Westport, County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
Go raibh maith agat a Mháirtín. Thank you, Mháirtín. Everyday phrases Greetings People Terms of endearment Conversation
Cén chaoi an bhfuil tú? How are you? Conversation Greetings Everyday phrases
Cén chaoi an bhfuil féin? An-amhrán! théis an t-amhrán sin a chloisteáil. Bhí go hálainn. How are you yourself? Wonderful! I just heard that song. It was lovely. Everyday phrases Feelings Music Adjectives Conversation
Is breá liom é. I love it. Feelings Likes & dislikes Everyday phrases Verbs
Uaitse a chuala sa gcéad uair é, an ceann sin. I first heard it from you, that one. Conversation Feelings Relationships Everyday phrases Time
Sin Darach Ó Cathain, as . . . fear Rath Cairn? That's Darach Ó Cathain, from. . . Rath Cairn man? People Geographical terms Conversation Identifiers Place names
Á, bhí thar cionn, nach raibh? Ach oiread leat féin. Ah, it was excellent, wasn't it? Just like yourself. Everyday phrases Adjectives Feelings Conversation Interjections
Agus nuair a chuir an teachtearacht anall anseo againn, bhí i gCarna, agus bhí thiar ag an siamsa, agus bhí thiar ag an. . . ag ceol agus amhráin a bhí thiar i gCarna. And when you sent the message over here to us, you were in Carna, and you were over at the entertainment, and you were over at the. . . at the music and songs that were over in Carna. Conversation Places Music People Activities
Bhí, ar ndóigh, agus chomh maith leis. . . is ea, bhí cupla siamsa acu i gCarna chuile. . . bhoil, chuile bhliain, agus bhí ansin I was, of course, and as well as. . . yes, they had a few entertainments in Carna every. . . well, every year, and I was there Everyday phrases Time Places Activities Feelings
sin í an áit ar casadh orm Dara Bán, blianta ó shin, beannacht lena anam. that's where I met Dara Bán, years ago, God rest his soul. People Feelings Life & death Everyday phrases Time
Agus ar ndóigh bhí ag an bhféile a rinne féin, a chuir féin i láthair - And of course, I was at the festival you yourself organized, that you yourself presented - Activities Conversation Feelings People Events
Féile Choilm De Bhailís. Féile Choilm De Bhailís. Folklore Places Events Culture Religion
Bhí ag go leor acu na laethanta sin. I was at many of them in those days. Everyday phrases Feelings Time Amount People
Blianta ó shin, ar ndóigh. Years ago, of course. Calendar & Seasons Time Everyday phrases Interjections Past participle
'Bhfuil fhad thall anois i Tenerife, a bhfuil? Are you still far away now in Tenerife? Geographical terms Conversation Questions Time Feelings