Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Speaker


Full name
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh
Westport, County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
B'fhéidir an chéad mhí eile, b'fhéidir go bhfaighidh scata cearca, le cúnamh Dé. Maybe next month, maybe I'll get a batch of chickens, God willing. Calendar & Seasons Animals Feelings Food and drink Everyday phrases
raibh mise thall i Tenerife ariamh, ach a fhios agam go dtéann go leor anonn ann ar a laethanta saoire. I have never been over in Tenerife, but I know many go there on their holidays. Everyday phrases Travel Feelings Places Calendars & Seasons
An bhfuil tusa anois gar den áit a dtéann daoine ar a laethanta saoire ann? Are you now near the place where people go on their holidays? Conversation Questions Places Activities Everyday phrases
Bhoil, níl i ndáiríre. Well, not really. Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Feelings
mise ar an taobh eile den oileán. I'm on the other side of the island. Geographical terms Prepositions Place names Everyday phrases The seashore
Taobh ó thuaidh ó dheas? - Téann na daoine sin . . . North or south? - Those people go. . . Geographical terms People Conversation Questions Verbs
Ó thuaidh. Is iad. . . Ó dheas a théanns na daoine ar a laethanta saoire, North. They go. . . They go south on their holidays, Geographical terms Activities Time Travel Everyday phrases
Mar i bhfad níos gréine ó dheas. Because there's a lot more sun in the south. Adjectives Amount Geographical terms Weather Comparatives
Ach . . . Ó dheas, níl a fhios agam ar dúirt mé. . . ó dheas. . . But. . . south, I don't know if I said. . . south. . . Conversation Geographical terms Everyday phrases Adverbs Uncertainty
mise ó thuaidh, sa tuisceart agus i bhfad . . . I'm in the north, in the north and it's much. . . Geographical terms Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Adverbs
i bhfad níos glaise abhus anseo, It's much greener here, Adjectives Comparatives Countryside Everyday phrases Feelings
Bíonn ag baisteach in amanna anseo, inniu mar shampla. It rains sometimes here, today for example. Weather Everyday phrases Time Adverbs Places
Inné bhí an-lá againn, bhí an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch, mar a dúirt leat. Yesterday we had a great day, the sun was splitting the stones, as I told you. Activities Feelings Weather Everyday phrases Adjectives
Ach gabh i leith, níl in ann anois maireachtáil ag feliméaracht ar na cearca, ar ndóigh. But come here to me, you can't now live on farming chickens, of course! Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Animals Verbs
Céard eile a bhíonns a dhéanamh ó thaobh feirméarachta dhe? What else do you do in terms of farming? Activities Farming life Conversation Questions Everyday phrases