Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Speaker


Full name
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh
Westport, County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
an-tóir ag na Spáinnigh ar fhataí, agus ar chuile shórt. The Spanish are very fond of potatoes, and of everything. Likes & dislikes Food and drink People Adjectives Everyday phrases
Caithfidh a bheith ag plé le cabaiste, chuile shórt. I have to be dealing with cabbage, everything. Activities Food and drink Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs
Fásann chuile shórt go breá anseo. Everything grows well here. Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Geographical terms Physical descriptions
Fásann, is dóigh. It does, I suppose. Everyday phrases Conversation Adverbs Feelings Idioms
Ó, bíonn ag fás i gcaitheamh na bliana! Oh, it grows all year round! Activities Adverbs Plants Time Feelings
Agus gabh i leith anois go bhfiafraí ort, And tell me now, let me ask you, Conversation Everyday phrases Interjections Greetings Questions
Cén fáth go ndeachaidh anonn ansin anois go Tenerife, an chéad ariamh agus gur b'in é an taobh a ndeachfaidh agus gur b'in é an cheird atá ort ann? Why did you go over there to Tenerife initially, and to go to this side (of the island) and with this occupation you have? Activities Geographical terms Questions Life & death Relationships
Bhoil, is dóigh go raibh go leor cúiseanna leis, Well, I suppose there were many reasons, Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Arguments Conversation
ceann amháin acu...chuala go raibh cineál teanga abhus anseo. one of them...I heard there was a kind of language over here. Everyday phrases Language Conversation People Feelings
Bíonn na daoine a labhairt le chéile, agus sin é chuala mé, People speak to each other, and that's what I heard, People Conversation Activities Everyday phrases Feelings
seo fiche agus a cuig bliain ó shin, This is twenty-five years ago, Time Numbers Everyday phrases Past participle Life & death
Labhraíonn na daoine le chéile ag feadaíl, People speak to each other by whistling, Activities People Communication Noise and sounds Verbs
Agus dúirt me liom féin nach raibh aon fhírinne ansin, And I said to myself there was no truth in that, Conversation Feelings Idioms Personal thoughts Abstract nouns
Agus tháinig anall anseo, And I came over here, Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Pronouns Places
Agus bhí fíor, And it was true, Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adverbs Verbs