Seán Ó Raghallaigh Speaker


Full name
Seán Ó Raghallaigh
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R313, Binghamstown South Electoral Divisoin, Westport-Belmullet Municipal District, County Mayo, Connacht, Ireland
Language ability
Irish English Tags Audio
tobar beannaithe ann that there is a Holy well Buildings Religion Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases
nach rabh ceart ag aon bhean an t-uisce a thógáil. that is it not right for any woman to take water from Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Feelings Relationships
Dhá dtóigthí and if water is taken Verbs Everyday phrases Life & death Activities Health
go dtiompódh that would turn Verbs To be able to Activities
an t-uisce ina fhuil the water into blood Abstract nouns Food and drink Disaster Religion Everyday phrases
gus thóigeann bean ar bith And no woman takes People Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Negation
aon dath uisce ó shin as. any type of water from there, since then Everyday phrases Geographical terms Prepositions Time Abstract nouns