Transcript of Scéal - Pílí Cat agus Caolchat na Luathadh (cuid 1)

Speaker Range Irish English Audio Quality
Pádraic S. Ó Murchú 704.5-718.1 " Níor úirt Caolchat a dhath ach ag faire faoi agus thairis. "Caolchat said nothing but kept looking around and about." good
Pádraic S. Ó Murchú 718.1-740.6 Las Seán an puíop', dheargaigh sé aithinne thuas ag an tinidh agus nuair a bhí an puíopa lasta aige "tá mise réite anois", ar seisean, "tá sé chomh maith againn a bheith ag bualadh an bhóthair agus ag baint píosa as. "Seán lit the pipe, he reddened the gorse up at the fire and when he had the pipe lit he said 'I'm ready now', 'it's just as well for us to be hitting the road and making a bit of headway." good
Pádraic S. Ó Murchú 740.6-753.3 Tá an lá ag éirí gearr agus is fada an choiscéim í 'na bhaile mhóir agus nuair a bheas a ngraithí déanta againn beidh sé mall go maith nuair a bheas muid ar ais. "The day is getting short and it's a long walk to the big town, and by the time we have our business done it will be quite late when we get back." good
Pádraic S. Ó Murchú 753.3-769.9 D'oscail sé an mála agus chuir sé Pílí Cat sa tsac agus rug sé ar Chaolchat agus chuir sé sa tsac é chomh maith. He opened the bag and put Pílí Cat in the sack and grabbed Skinny Cat and put it in the sack as well. good
Pádraic S. Ó Murchú 769.9-780.8 Chas sé béal an tsaic agus thóig sé den talamh é agus bhuail sé siar ar a dhroim é. "He twisted the top of the sack and lifted it off the ground and struck it on his back." good