Transcript of Na Rubálaidhe

Speaker Range Irish English Audio Quality
Séamus Déasaigh 126.4-127.9 bhain sé lena cnaganna he knocked on it with his hooves good
Séamus Déasaigh 128.0-129.3 agus isteach leis an doras and in went the door good
Séamus Déasaigh 130.2-132.1 agus tháinic an bhata isteach ina dhiaidh and the stick came in after him good
Séamus Déasaigh 133.0-138.1 agus d'imigh an dá rubálaidhe a bhí ann amach and the two robbers who were in it, went out good
Séamus Déasaigh 139.1-143.4 Chuaigh an fear i dteach ní na rubálaidhe the man went into the house of the robbers things good
Séamus Déasaigh 144.0-146.0 agus chuir sé a learí (?) é and he put himself to rest good
Séamus Déasaigh 146.7-148.2 agus ghabh sé 'a chodladh and he went to sleep good
Séamus Déasaigh 149.5-152.0 Ghabh an cat sa bhuaigh agus sa gcoirnéal the cat managed to get the corner good
Séamus Déasaigh 153.9-156.3 Ghabh gandal ghé ag a' drisúir the gandel went to the dresser good
Séamus Déasaigh 156.6-159.8 agus sheas an caora ag bun an doras and the sheep stood at the bottom of the door good
Séamus Déasaigh 160.8-163.2 agus gabh an tarbh, taobh thíos don doras and the bull went under the door good
Séamus Déasaigh 164.1-168.4 agus gabh an coileach suas, mullach an tigh, taobh amuigh and the rooster went up, on top of the house, outside good
Séamus Déasaigh 171.5-174.7 nuair a bhí na rubálaidhe, imigh tamaill ón teach when the robbers were gone a while from the house good
Séamus Déasaigh 175.5-178.8 dúirt fear acu go dtiontófadh sé ar ais, le haghaidh an t-airgead one of them said he would turn back, on account of the money good
Séamus Déasaigh 180.4-182.0 thiontaigh sé he turned around good