Transcript of Scéal Chlainne Lir

Speaker Range Irish English Audio Quality
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 89.3-90.8 tá tobar beannaithe ann that there is a Holy well good
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 91.1-94.6 nach rabh sé ceart ag aon bhean an t-uisce a thógáil. that is it not right for any woman to take water from good
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 95.2-96.6 Dhá dtóigthí and if water is taken good
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 97.2-98.6 go dtiompódh that would turn good
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 98.8-100.3 an t-uisce ina fhuil the water into blood good
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 100.8-103.0 gus ní thóigeann bean ar bith And no woman takes good
Seán Ó Raghallaigh 103.5-105.3 aon dath uisce ó shin as. any type of water from there, since then good