Transcript of Na Rubálaidhe

Speaker Range Irish English Audio Quality
Séamus Déasaigh 38.5-39.9 labhair an gabhar leofa the goat spoke to them good
Séamus Déasaigh 39.9-41.0 agus dúirt an gabhar and the goat said good
Séamus Déasaigh 41.0-42.1 go mbeadh sí leofa that she would belong to them good
Séamus Déasaigh 46.0-48.3 agus casadh leofa gandal they met a gander good
Séamus Déasaigh 48.7-50.5 gandal ghé...ghé a male goose...goose good
Séamus Déasaigh 51.7-53.6 agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh sé leis and the gandel said he would belong to them good
Séamus Déasaigh 57.5-59.1 agus chuir as siar, shroich siad and as they reached another bit further west good
Séamus Déasaigh 59.1-60.1 casadh leofa cat they met a cat good
Séamus Déasaigh 60.2-61.9 agus dúirt an cat go mbeadh sé leofa and the cat said it would belong to them good
Séamus Déasaigh 64.9-65.6 agus and good
Séamus Déasaigh 66.2-66.6 bhí (there) was good
Séamus Déasaigh 66.6-67.4 chonaic siad they saw good
Séamus Déasaigh 67.4-68.6 bhí coileach leofa a cockerel belonged to them good
Séamus Déasaigh 68.7-69.2 coileach a cock good
Séamus Déasaigh 72.4-74.7 bhain said a' bóthair ar (?) chucu they took the road towards them good