Transcript of Pádraic Thomáis Ó Raghallaigh i dTenerife

Agallamh le MTS ar

Speaker Range Irish English Audio Quality
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 302.0-304.1 Fásann chuile shórt go breá anseo. Everything grows well here. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 304.1-305.1 Fásann, is dóigh. It does, I suppose. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 305.1-307.7 Ó, bíonn sé ag fás i gcaitheamh na bliana! Oh, it grows all year round! good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 307.7-310.0 Agus gabh i leith anois go bhfiafraí mé ort, And tell me now, let me ask you, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 310.0-319.2 Cén fáth go ndeachaidh tú anonn ansin anois go Tenerife, an chéad lá ariamh agus gur b'in é an taobh a ndeachfaidh tú agus gur b'in é an cheird atá ort ann? Why did you go over there to Tenerife initially, and to go to this side (of the island) and with this occupation you have? good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 319.2-323.9 Bhoil, is dóigh go raibh go leor cúiseanna leis, Well, I suppose there were many reasons, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 323.9-328.3 ceann amháin acu...chuala mé go raibh cineál teanga abhus anseo. one of them...I heard there was a kind of language over here. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 328.3-333.2 Bíonn na daoine a labhairt le chéile, agus sin é chuala mé, People speak to each other, and that's what I heard, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 333.2-335.6 Tá sé seo fiche agus a cuig bliain ó shin, This is twenty-five years ago, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 335.6-338.1 Labhraíonn na daoine le chéile ag feadaíl, People speak to each other by whistling, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 338.1-340.9 Agus dúirt me liom féin nach raibh aon fhírinne ansin, And I said to myself there was no truth in that, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 340.9-344.3 Agus tháinig mé anall anseo, And I came over here, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 344.3-345.6 Agus bhí sé fíor, And it was true, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 345.6-350.5 Agus chuaigh mé ag foghlaim na teanga seo, And I went learning this language, good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh 350.5-352.1 Teanga na feadaíola, The whistling language, good