Transcript of Na cait fhiáine

Speaker Range Irish English Audio Quality
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 123.2-125.5 Chaith siad isteach é. They threw him in. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 125.5-135.6 Bhí sé ag iarraidh foscadh, ' siúl thart leis na... ' caint leis na coillte go bhfuair sé teach in áit a rabh cait fhiáin. He was looking for shelter, walking around the.... talking to the woods until he found a house in a place where there were wild cats. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 135.6-138.0 Fuaigh sé isteach go teach seo is bhí tinidh ann. He went into this house and there was a fire there. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 138.0-144.0 Théigh sé é féin ag an tinidh agus fuaigh sé isteach faoin mbairille. He heated himself by the fire and he went in under the barrel. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 144.0-150.5 Dúirt sé 'Fanfaidh mé anseo faoin mbairille seo a fhad agus bheas mé beo'. He said, "I'll stay here under this barrel while I am alive". good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 150.5-152.5 "Coinneoidh sé foscadh orm". "It will keep me sheltered." good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 152.5-159.1 Tháinig na cait fhiáin isteach gan mórán moille i ndéidh a bheith amuigh ag seilg i rith an lae. The wild cats came in shortly after that having been out hunting for the day. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 159.1-164.6 Thoisigh siad ag bruith is ag róstadh, ag fáil suipéir (ar chúlú) réidh dhóibh féin. They started boiling and roasting, preparing a (...) supper for themselves. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 164.6-169.7 Nuair a bhí an suipéar réidh d'ith siad é. When the supper was ready the ate it. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 169.7-172.4 Fuaigh siad... Shuigh siad thart. They went.... They sat around. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 172.4-176.4 'Dé a' scéal? arsa cat eicinteacht acu. "What's the story?" said one of the cats. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 176.4-179.1 Fuaigh sé thart go ndeachaigh sé ag an rí-chat. He went around until the came to the king-cat. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 179.1-183.9 Thit sé ar an rí-chat an scéal a insean. It fell to the king-cat to tell the story. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 183.9-190.2 D'inis sé scéal fá bhean óg... an bás uirthi... a leithide seo dh'áit. He told a story about a young woman... dying(?)... in a certain place. good
Tomás Ó Cearbhaill 190.2-195.3 (Ar seisean), Tá cúig phunta, cúig mhíle dhéag de phuntaí de thíocht isteach aici sa bhliain. He said, "She has five pounds, fifteen thousand pounds of income per year". good