Focail Folaithe Maigh Eo

Irish English Audio
dall caochán owl Log in to hear
gríobh outside building on turf stack Log in to hear
leath- leath-rat a léim amach as an mála eórna i nDoivleán, cailleadh í. Tá a leath beannuithe (half of Doivleán). one of a pair, a single Log in to hear
bláthmhar bláfar cuimscear, neat and tidy (of dress); well off: (tá siad) i n-a suí go bláfar. of work well done, neat and tasty, e.g. cocks of hay neatly headed off with súgáns on them Log in to hear
codal codal go dh'fhear .i. slíomadóir go dh'fhear, he is no good for any one octopus (?): séidfe sé suas é héin a cho mór! Log in to hear
gaosán (but not quite as complimentary a name as srón). nose (but not quite as complimentary a name as srón) Log in to hear
mór is mór nár bháith sí a cho maith é, she nearly drowned him too nearly Log in to hear
dúchas ritheann ann dúchas thruí chrúbaí an chait (sean-ocal), the cat's nature runs through its paws. nature, instinct Log in to hear
bileóg thuas ar a' mbileóig. name of top of a local hill, site of the annual bonfire . . . See D. where one meaning is 'table leaf': this would describe the hill top exactly. Log in to hear
réalta Bhárr na screag name of some star unidentified Log in to hear
cánóg name of sea-bird, perh. shearwater Log in to hear
clamhán name of plant Log in to hear
staoin-leic name of a sloping flag Log in to hear
Buile an Bhodaigh name of a constellation: thoir dtuaidh a bhíons sé, Lá'l Muire beag a bhíon sé le feiceál (Sb); this description would seem to indicate the Pleiades. See Pádraig Ó Moghráin in Béaloideas, xiii, pp. 166, 184. MCd described it as 3 réalt agus 4 réalt, while TmB mentioned seacht réalt, and added faoi fhéil Páraic tá sí thiar, faoi Nollaic ó dheas, which would indicate rather Oríon, perh. See also Celtica, xii, 182. Log in to hear
tálach muscular pain in the wrist Log in to hear