Seosamh Ó Cathail Admin


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Seosamh Ó Cathail
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Enniscrone Pier, Kilglass ED, Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, County Sligo, Connacht, F26 Y3Y9, Ireland
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Irish English Tags Audio
greyhound focailfholaithe Log in to hear
liaití go dtiocfadh na liaití go luath, that grey hairs would come early in life (this was part of Brian Rua's prophecy) grey hairs, greyness focailfholaithe Log in to hear
gorta tá gorta oram, I am ravenous with hunger (PsC); cf. galfach /galfǝx great hunger focailfholaithe Log in to hear
gúiseóg gosling - bliain d'aois focailfholaithe Log in to hear
éinín gosling focailfholaithe Log in to hear
leag air! go ahead! proceed! (with work or fight) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
alamais tá alamais mhór aige, níl aige ach alamais; alamais ag a' bpáiste beag, ní thigfeá é (AL); an alamais a bhí acú, i. Franncaigh (SBh). gibberish, caint nach dtigféá focailfholaithe Log in to hear
tais ghost (of living person), wraith: chonnaic A. an fear beag agus bhí sé ag iarraidh breith air. Chonnaic sé aríst é beó focailfholaithe Log in to hear
bolagán béice tá mo cheann i n-a bholagán béice agad, you have me moithered with the noise you are causing. In Westmeath the fuzzball is called a 'sheep's fart'. fuzzball focailfholaithe Log in to hear
bradán frog in asses' hoof focailfholaithe Log in to hear
teann le teann a' ghálaidh, with the force of the wind; le teann uilc, from sheer badness (Sb); le teann na foladh, from the pressure of the blood; fua' sí siar ar theann an uisc', she went back in the teems of rain, when the rain was at its heaviest (ML). force, pressure focailfholaithe Log in to hear
bascaéd flasket basket, or round skib, used for 'teeming' potatoes focailfholaithe Log in to hear
alóg chomh geal le alóg sneachta. flake focailfholaithe Log in to hear
cró críoch an cró críoch a chur air. finishing touch (on work) focailfholaithe Log in to hear
aghaidh chuimealt file (for sharpening) focailfholaithe Log in to hear