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Séamus Déasaigh agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh sé leis and the gandel said he would belong to them good
Séamus Déasaigh agus chuir as siar, shroich siad and as they reached another bit further west good
Séamus Déasaigh casadh leofa cat they met a cat good
Séamus Déasaigh agus dúirt an cat go mbeadh sé leofa and the cat said it would belong to them good
Séamus Déasaigh agus and good
Séamus Déasaigh bhí (there) was good
Séamus Déasaigh chonaic siad they saw good
Séamus Déasaigh bhí coileach leofa a cockerel belonged to them good
Séamus Déasaigh coileach a cock good
Séamus Déasaigh bhain said a' bóthair ar (?) chucu they took the road towards them good