Audio Speaker Word/Phrase Translation Quality
Versions Actions
SPEAKER_00_4 suas go dtí aois bliain up to the age of a year low
SPEAKER_00_4 nó mar sin or so low
SPEAKER_00_4 thugtaí mbarúlacha opinions were given low
SPEAKER_00_4 air sin on that low
SPEAKER_00_4 anois now low
SPEAKER_00_4 sloigim sa lá atá inniu ann gur meabhrach I swallow today that it is mental low
SPEAKER_00_4 na mbarúlacha the opinions low
SPEAKER_00_4 nó rud éigin mar sin or something like that low
SPEAKER_00_4 hochtar eight people low
SPEAKER_00_4 sa lá atá inniu ann nowadays low