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Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Níl. No. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Ach i gcónaí bhínn ag plé leis na cearca agus na héanlaithe. But I was always dealing with the chickens and the birds. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Ó, ab ea? Oh, really? good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Agus is gearr go bhfaighidh mé cearca úra, tá súil agam. And I hope to get new chickens soon. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Is ea. An bhfuil mórán cearca 'ad, a' bhfuil? Indeed. Do you have many chickens, do you? good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Níl faoi láthair, ach bhíodh i gcónai. Not at the moment, but I used to always. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Bhíodh go leor acu agam, ach faoi láthair níl aon cheann agam, agus tá mé ag iarraidh é sin a athrú. I used to have a lot of them, but at the moment I don't have any, and I'm trying to change that. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh B'fhéidir an chéad mhí eile, b'fhéidir go bhfaighidh mé scata cearca, le cúnamh Dé. Maybe next month, maybe I'll get a batch of chickens, God willing. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh Ní raibh mise thall i Tenerife ariamh, ach tá a fhios agam go dtéann go leor anonn ann ar a laethanta saoire. I have never been over in Tenerife, but I know many go there on their holidays. good
Pádraic Patchey Ó Raghallaigh An bhfuil tusa anois gar den áit a dtéann daoine ar a laethanta saoire ann? Are you now near the place where people go on their holidays? good