An Caotharnach Ai


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An Caotharnach
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Calvin Nash Calvin Nash People Names The family Log in to hear
Dan Sheehan Dan Sheehan People Names The family Log in to hear
Paul Gabrillagues Paul Gabrillagues People Names Log in to hear
Rónan Kelleher Rónan Kelleher People Names The family Log in to hear
cosantóir defending Activities Verbs Arguments Feelings To be able to Log in to hear
stíle style Abstract nouns Adjectives Personality Likes & dislikes Clothes Log in to hear
baile home Buildings The home Geographical terms Places Abstract nouns Log in to hear
fisiciúil physical Adjectives Physical descriptions Feelings Relationships Life & death Log in to hear
dána bold Adjectives Personality Feelings Physical descriptions Everyday phrases Log in to hear
garbh rough Adjectives Feelings Similes Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
buntáiste advantage Abstract nouns Arguments Feelings Likes & dislikes Money Log in to hear
easpa smachta indiscipline Abstract nouns Feelings Personality Log in to hear
teagmháil touching Activities Feelings Physical contact Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
freagraí answers Abstract nouns Verbs Everyday phrases Activities Disaster Log in to hear
snasta stunning Adjectives Feelings Comparatives Language Everyday phrases Log in to hear