Irish English Tags Audio
A chladhaire You divil! Feelings Interjections Personality Terms of endearment Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Ciapach Annoying Adjectives Feelings Personality Log in to hear
Gnoitheach/gnóthach busy Adjectives Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Personality Log in to hear
cadramán someone who's stubborn and without manners Adjectives Personality Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships
Púicearlach A miserable looking fecker Adjectives Personality Feelings Facial expressions Everyday phrases
Éirmiúil Intelligent Adjectives Personality Feelings
feidhmiúil talented, able Adjectives To be able to Personality
Taibhseach, suntasach Impressive, noticeable Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Personality
Deontas Grand Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Personality Abstract nouns
Ainrialach Anarchist Abstract nouns People Personality Politics Ideas Log in to hear
Teaspach/teasaí hot headed Adjectives Personality Feelings Log in to hear
Colgach furious Adjectives Feelings Personality Log in to hear
níos dílse more loyal Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Relationships Log in to hear
báúil sympathetic Adjectives Feelings Personality Likes & dislikes Terms of endearment Log in to hear
eagraithe organised Adjectives Activities Verbs Personality Life & death Log in to hear