Irish English Tags Audio
Ainrialach Anarchist Abstract nouns People Personality Politics Ideas Log in to hear
Neo-liobarálachas Neoliberalism Abstract nouns Politics Philosophy Economics Social issues Log in to hear
ag stocaireacht lobbying Activities Arguments People Work Politics Log in to hear
Chruthófaí cochall polaitiúil toghchánaíochta faoi leith dóibh a choinneodh an ceangal dílseachta A separate electoral political hood would be created for them that would maintain the loyalty bond Politics Relationships Abstract nouns Activities Verbs Log in to hear
sciar de na haontachtóirí share of the unionists Politics People Relationships Arguments Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cearta ginmhillte don tír abortion rights for the country Abstract nouns Arguments Politics Geographical terms Rights Log in to hear