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slat yard Buildings Countryside The home Place names Objects Log in to hear
Táim i mo chónaí i mBéal an Átha i gContae Mhaigh Eo I live in Ballina in County Mayo Geographical terms Place names The city The home Prepositions
bhfuil do i do chónaí/Cá bhfuil cónaí ort/Carb as tú?/Cad as duit? Where are you from? Conversation Questions Greetings Place names People
i mo chónaí i dteach ar an Rinn Mhór, i nGaillimh I live in a house in Galway Buildings Geographical terms The home Verbs Place names
Beithíoch Cow in Connemara/Horse in Mayo Animals Geographical terms Countryside Place names Transportation
Ar do dheasóg On your right hand side Prepositions Place names Everyday phrases
Dúthaigh Area/Country Geographical terms Place names Abstract nouns
Cad as sibh/ as sibh? Where are ye from? Conversation Greetings Place names People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
go rabh siad eidir Ceann Iorrais agus Ceann Acla That they were between Erris head and Achill head. Geographical terms Place names Countryside Everyday phrases Time
Oileán é seobh atá taobh thiar de Iorras i That is, an island west of Erris Geographical terms Place names The seashore Life & death Objects
Condae Mhaigh Eo In County Mayo Geographical terms Place names The city
leis an gCaorthalach at the Mother of the Devil Buildings Religion Place names Folklore The seashore
dhá h-oileáin Inis ina luī amach ó Leathinis an Mhuirthead. The two Inishkea islands lie off the Mullet peninsula Geographical terms Place names The seashore Adjectives Numbers
an áit a dtugann siad "the dock" ar, thíos anseo the place they call "the dock", down here. Place names The city Geographical terms Everyday phrases Objects
ar an tír mór on the mainland Geographical terms Place names Prepositions