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rug ar an mbuicéad uisce bhroghach sin he grabbed [lit: on] the bucket of dirty water there agus Physical Action Object Interaction Verb Past Tense Narrative
Agus ar áit na bonn nuair a chaith amach an t-uisce ins an doras And the moment he threw the water out the door, Temporal Sequence Actions Past Tense Narrative
Chonaic ag imeacht iad mar a bheadh cnap míoltóga ón teach he saw them disappear, as would a swarm of midges, from the house Observation Simile Past Tense Narrative
agus níl ann go ndearna aníos é go dtí an leaba san áit a raibh a bhean ina codladh. Agus d’inis an scéal daoithe and he barely made it back down to the bed where his wife was sleeping. And he told her what happened [lit: the story] Narrative Past Actions Past Perfect Tense Reflective
Bhail, in san sean-aimsir, bhí fear agus...Gearóideach...ní raibh aon clann aige ach aon Gearóideach ach amháin Well, in the old-times, there was a man - a Gerald - and he didn't have any family except just one Gerald only. Past Tense Narrative Complex Sentence Reflective
Bhí fear fadó agus bhí i nGaillimh There wa a man long ago and he was in Galway Past Tense Narrative Third Person Singular Past