Irish English Tags Audio
Agus a shúil ar dhath na gréine; And his eyes the color of the sun; Description Poetry Comparative Structure Reflective
Agus mhoithigh fear amháin ag insean scéal faoi—seanfhear a bhí ann. And I heard one man, telling a story about it - an old man it was. Narration Past Tense Personal Anecdote Reflective
raibh cineál am ar bith ann ach an ghrian agus an ghealach there was no kind of time at all, except the sun and the moon Time Concepts Astronomical Bodies Past Tense Reflective
agus níl ann go ndearna aníos é go dtí an leaba san áit a raibh a bhean ina codladh. Agus d’inis an scéal daoithe and he barely made it back down to the bed where his wife was sleeping. And he told her what happened [lit: the story] Narrative Past Actions Past Perfect Tense Reflective
Á bhail,” a dúirt sé, “tá rud cluinstes anocht agam nár mhoithigh ariamh "O well", he said, "I head something tonight that I never hear before". Informal Expression Reported Speech Past Tense Reflective
Ah bhí, bhí, bhí, bhí go leor, leor... ah there was, there was, there was, there was many, many ... Repetition Quantity Past Tense Reflective
Bhail, in san sean-aimsir, bhí fear agus...Gearóideach...ní raibh aon clann aige ach aon Gearóideach ach amháin Well, in the old-times, there was a man - a Gerald - and he didn't have any family except just one Gerald only. Past Tense Narrative Complex Sentence Reflective
Rugadh i nGaobhrán, sa teachsa, an teach ansin de comhair I was born in ​Geevraun, in the house, the house here opposite Place of Birth Home Past Tense Reflective