Irish English Tags Audio
clab mouth Anatomy The body Objects
cab beard Objects Physical descriptions The body Feelings Animals
Amharc (Ag amharc) Eyesight Abstract nouns Feelings The body
carbad gums Anatomy The body Health Objects Everyday phrases
agus chaith an chré a bhí ina láimh and he threw the clay that was in his hand Activities Verbs Objects The body Physical contact
Agus scoilt an charraic And she split the rock Activities Verbs Objects The body Feelings
cnáimh do dhéid your jaw-bone Objects The body Relationships Physical descriptions Amount Log in to hear
gearlachán collar-bone Anatomy The body Objects Log in to hear
cúb tá cúb aicí, said of a pup lying between the forelegs of its mother. Activities Animals Feelings Relationships The body Log in to hear
sméarthacht a' sméarthacht a cinn, rubbing her head, fingering her hair Activities Feelings Physical contact The body Adverbs Log in to hear
agus chuir sé a lámh síos and he put his hand down Physical contact Verbs The body Everyday phrases Relationships