Irish English Tags Audio
Cén chaoi gur éirigh leat How did you get on Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Idioms Questions Log in to hear
thig leis an ngobadán dhá thráigh a fhreastal you can't do two things at once Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Feelings Log in to hear
Airím uaim thú i miss you Feelings Everyday phrases Terms of endearment Relationships Adverbs Log in to hear
A chladhaire You divil! Feelings Interjections Personality Terms of endearment Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Taobh istigh de ghrágaíl asail with an asses roar Noise and sounds Animals Adjectives Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Muna mhiste leat If you don't mind Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Conversation To be able to Log in to hear
Níor bhuail driopás I didn't panic Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Adjectives Personal Log in to hear
Bhí i ngábh I was in peril Feelings Life & death Verbs Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
Séard é The thing is... Everyday phrases Conversation Abstract nouns Arguments Idioms Log in to hear
Roimh mo linns Before my time Time Life & death Everyday phrases Grammar Relationships Log in to hear
Go bhfios dom As far as I know Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Language Log in to hear
Tóg go réidh é Take it easy (or slowly) Everyday phrases Adverbs Activities Rest and relaxation Feelings Log in to hear
Feicfimid céard a tharlós We'll see what happens Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Conversation To be able to Log in to hear
Tháinig aniar aduaidh It came out of nowhere Everyday phrases Adverbs Feelings Interjections Abstract nouns Log in to hear
an-cionn aige ar an mbraon He was fond of the drop Feelings Likes & dislikes Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear