Irish English Tags Audio
Gabh i leith Come here to me Everyday phrases Verbs Prepositions Pronouns Physical contact Log in to hear
dúil aige ann He is interested in it Feelings Activities Adjectives Pronouns Verbs
Chuir siad i dtoll a chéile iad They mixed them together Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Pronouns To be able to
Nuair a bhéas When I will be Time Verbs Pronouns Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Is eisean a dhéananns é sin It's him who does do that Everyday phrases Pronouns Verbs Conversation Feelings Log in to hear
I I Pronouns Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
ndéarfá léi If you would say to her Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Pronouns To be able to Log in to hear
Nuair a thiocfas abhaile When I will come home Everyday phrases Time The home Verbs Pronouns Log in to hear
Cén aois thú? How old are you? Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Age Pronouns
Do lámha chlé your left hand Body Pronouns Adjectives Physical contact Objects
Ar, Orm,Ort,Air,Uirthi,Orainn,Oraibh,Orthu On me on you etc Prepositions Pronouns Everyday phrases Conversation Physical contact Log in to hear
Orm, Ort, Air, Uirthi,Orainn, Oraibh, Orthu On me etc Everyday phrases Prepositions Pronouns
Agam, Agat, Aige, Aici, Againn, Agaibh, Acu At me, At you etc Everyday phrases Pronouns Physical contact Relationships Interjections
Liom, Leat, Leis, Léi, Linn, Libh, Leo(fa) With me etc Everyday phrases Prepositions Pronouns Relationships Conversation
Fúm, Fút, Faoi, Fúithi, Fúinn, Fúibh, Futhu Under/About me etc Everyday phrases Pronouns Prepositions Conversation Feelings