Irish English Tags Audio
Círéib Riot Activities Disaster Feelings Arguments People Log in to hear
Géarchéim Crisis Abstract nouns Disaster Feelings Life & death Arguments Log in to hear
Tite as a chéile Fallen to pieces Adjectives Feelings Idioms Physical descriptions Disaster Log in to hear
Scliúchas Brawl Activities Feelings Arguments Verbs Disaster Log in to hear
Ciníoch Racist Adjectives Feelings Personality Arguments Disaster Log in to hear
Trí thine On fire Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Disaster Noise and sounds Log in to hear
Rup rap Convulsive diarrhoea and vomiting occurring at the same time Health Disaster Feelings Adjectives Activities Log in to hear
Cam/Éilitheach Corrupt Adjectives Feelings Personality Disaster Abstract nouns Log in to hear
Teitheadh Escape Activities Verbs Feelings Disaster Everyday phrases
Teifeach Refugee Abstract nouns People Relationships Life & death Disaster
Ó tharla Covid Since Covid happened Disaster Health Everyday phrases Time Activities Log in to hear
an t-uisce ina fhuil the water into blood Abstract nouns Food and drink Disaster Religion Everyday phrases
Ar bhris an stoirm an-tobann a Phat? Did the storm break suddenly Pat? Weather Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Disaster
Oh, thainig an stoirm, thaing an-tobann, an-tobann - gála mór. The storm came very quickly - big swell. Weather Adverbs Adjectives Disaster Noise and sounds
nuair a thoisigh an gála when the storm started Weather Time Disaster Activities Life & death