Irish English Tags Audio
Beithíoch Cow in Connemara/Horse in Mayo Animals Geographical terms Countryside Place names Transportation
Ag dul siar to go back/ to get west Activities Verbs Prepositions Transportation Geographical terms
Máirnéalach Sailor People Jobs Activities Transportation The sea Log in to hear
ca fhad cád a fuai' tú? go dtí tiompó ar ais Everyday phrases Conversation Adjectives Verbs Transportation Log in to hear
scoith scoith muid thú, we passed you out (on the road) (CN); scoith sí iad, thóig sí an rás orthú, she won the race from them (Sb). Activities Conversation Verbs Feelings Transportation Log in to hear
's nuair a tháinic coirnéal a' bhóthair and when he came to the corner of the road Prepositions Verbs Everyday phrases Places Transportation
bhain said a' bóthair ar (?) chucu they took the road towards them Verbs Prepositions People Transportation Everyday phrases
Chuile áit dtéadh Seán, síos aníos an pháirc, thart ar an teach, siar sa ngarraí agus nuair a théadh ar a chuairt i dteach ar bith ar an mbaile, leanadh Pílí Cat é agus d'fhanadh taobh amuigh ar an bhfuinneog ag faire isteach a fhad is bheadh Seán ar a chuairt agus nuair a bheadh Seán ag tíocht abhaile dhá chuairt shiúladh Pílí Cat cois ar chois leis. Everywhere Seán went, up and down the field, around the house, west in the garden, and when he would visit any house in the town, Pílí the Cat would follow him and would stay outside by the window watching in as long as Seán was on his visit, and when Seán would be coming home from his visit, Pílí Cat would walk step by step with him. Animals Everyday phrases Feelings Places Transportation