Irish English Tags Audio
bhí ráite go bhfeicthí iad ar mhodh ar bith. it's said they were anyway. Reported Speech Concession Past Tense Neutral
Á bhail,” a dúirt sé, “tá rud cluinstes anocht agam nár mhoithigh ariamh "O well", he said, "I head something tonight that I never hear before". Informal Expression Reported Speech Past Tense Reflective
"Céard a mhoithigh tú?", a dúirt "What did you hear?, she said Interrogative Reported Speech Past Simple Curiosity
Chaith amach an t-uisce broghach a bhí fágtha thíos sa gcanna agat ó oíche,’ a dúirt ‘amach ar an gcnoc' I threw out the dirty water that you left in the can last night’ he said ‘out on the hill' Clauses Direct Speech Past Tense Reported Speech
‘Bhuel, sin iad na páistí’ a dúirt 'well those are the children' she said demonstrative pronoun subject-verb agreement Indicative Reported Speech
‘Sin iad na haingle cearta’, a dúirt sí, ‘a bhíonns baistithe agus a fhaghanns bás' 'Those are the real angels,’ said she, ‘ the ones who die after baptism' Religion Life and Death Pronouns Reported Speech