Irish English Tags Audio
Cén chaoi gur éirigh leat How did you get on Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Idioms Questions Log in to hear
Muna mhiste leat If you don't mind Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Conversation To be able to Log in to hear
Séard é The thing is... Everyday phrases Conversation Abstract nouns Arguments Idioms Log in to hear
Go bhfios dom As far as I know Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Language Log in to hear
Feicfimid céard a tharlós We'll see what happens Everyday phrases Verbs Feelings Conversation To be able to Log in to hear
Céard a thit amach What happened? Conversation Everyday phrases Questions Log in to hear
An dtig leat/An dtiocfadh leat Can you/Could you Everyday phrases Conversation Questions Greetings To be able to Log in to hear
Moladh suggestion Abstract nouns Activities Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
Ag cabaireacht/clabaireacht Talking/nattering Activities Conversation Verbs
Thug siad faoi deara They realised/They noticed Activities Verbs Feelings Conversation Everyday phrases
A thuilleadh/Níos Anymore Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
fheadar I wonder (Gaeluinn Chiarraí) Feelings Everyday phrases Conversation Idioms Language Log in to hear
Ag súil leis/Ag dúil leis/Ag tnúth leis Looking forward to Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Verbs Log in to hear
rian a choda (chiud) air the signs of it are on him Feelings Conversation Physical contact Idioms Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Céard a thitfeas amach What will happen Everyday phrases Future Verbs Conversation Feelings Log in to hear