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Difríochtaí/Éagsúlacht Differences/Variances Abstract nouns Comparatives Arguments Life & death Feelings Log in to hear
go h-aibéil/go tiubh/go sciobta/go tapaidh/go scafánta quickly, fast Adverbs Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Taibhseach, suntasach Impressive, noticeable Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Personality
níos dílse more loyal Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Relationships Log in to hear
tromlach heavy Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Objects Weight Log in to hear
is éirimiúla most intelligent Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Likes & dislikes Log in to hear
sároilte highly trained Adjectives Activities Comparatives Feeling Personality Log in to hear
níos saonta fós even more simplistic Adjectives Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
níos flaithiúla more generous Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Likes & dislikes Personality Log in to hear
rud atá réadúil which is realistic Adjectives Comparatives Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
borb pointed, rude Adjectives Feelings Personality Comparatives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
An iomarca Too much Amount Adverbs Comparatives Log in to hear
Mar an gcéanna/Mar a chéile/Mar is gnách The same as it always is Adjectives Everyday phrases Comparatives Time Language Log in to hear
is déanaí/is moille latest (most recent) Adjectives Comparatives Abstract nouns
uasal noble/upper Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Personality Relationships