Irish English Tags Audio
Céard is ciall sin? What does that mean? Interrogative Semantics Present Simple Confusion
"Céard a mhoithigh tú?", a dúirt "What did you hear?, she said Interrogative Reported Speech Past Simple Curiosity
nach ndéarfá’ a dúirt ‘go bhfuil sách fada ar an tsaol anois! wouldn’t you think [lit: say] that you are long enough on this world now! Interrogative Imperative Suggestion Modal Verb Exclamatory
'Nach bhfuil fhios agat’ a dúirt ‘nár cheart duit uisce broghach a chaitheamh amach? 'Do you not know', she said, "that it's not right throw out dirty water" Interrogative Indirect Speech present tense reproachful
‘Cén sórt aingle iad sin?’ a dúirt sé. "What sort of angels are they?" said he. Interrogative supernatural Direct Speech Curiosity
anois, le linne a thugtha dhe riamh anois anseo a John, a raibh go leor adhmad agus rudaí mar sin? now, during your time here, john, was there a lots of wood and things like that? Interrogative Time Reference Plural Nouns Inquisitive