Irish English Tags Audio
Roimh mo linns Before my time Time Life & death Everyday phrases Grammar Relationships Log in to hear
ar feadh scathamh for a while Time Everyday phrases Prepositions Adverbs Log in to hear
sár i bhfad before too long Adverbs Everyday phrases Time Log in to hear
Nuair a bhéas When I will be Time Verbs Pronouns Everyday phrases To be able to Log in to hear
Go síoraí/go brách forever Abstract nouns Adverbs Time Log in to hear
Móiméid - Nóiméad Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time Log in to hear
Bomaite (Uladh) Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time Log in to hear
Nómait Minute Abstract nouns Measurement Time Log in to hear
Nuair a thiocfas muid ar ais When we come back Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Time Log in to hear
Nuair a dhéanfas é sin When I will do that Everyday phrases Verbs Activities Grammar Time Log in to hear
tráth time Abstract nouns Calendar & Seasons Measurement Time Log in to hear
comhuaineach simultaneously Adverbs Activities Time Log in to hear
Le fada an For a long while Adverbs Time Everyday phrases Measurement Log in to hear
Cothrom an lae seo anuraidh On this exact day last year Calendar & Seasons Time Adverbs Log in to hear
Nuair a thiocfas abhaile When I will come home Everyday phrases Time The home Verbs Pronouns Log in to hear