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Prátaí/Préataí/Fataí Potatoes Food and drink Plants Agriculture Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes
Fata Potato Food and drink Plants Objects Agriculture Everyday phrases Log in to hear
caonach moss Plants Nature Geographical terms Objects Countryside
grabhar droch-mhóin (éadrom, geal), often with heather growing from the sod; it goes in dust Adjectives Plants Descriptive language Countryside Objects Log in to hear
capóg dock leaf Plants Everyday phrases Countryside Food and drink Geographical terms Log in to hear
clómhar clover Plants Countryside Food and drink Seashore wildlife Geographical terms Log in to hear
boráiste charlock, which in other parts of the country is called praiseach Plants Geographical terms Food and drink Conversation Life & death Log in to hear
cuaiseáin tá cuaiseáin ann cavities in peat before it is cut Everyday phrases Geographical terms Health Plants Activities Log in to hear
cnádán burdock; Plants Food and drink Countryside Animals Folklore Log in to hear
cruach Pháraic broad-leaved plantain Plants Objects Adjectives Countryside Geographical terms Log in to hear
drís talamh an dris, smior a' talaimh. An Sean-dall Glic always knew good land from the bramles or briars that were growing on it (MMt). (the best of land). bramble Plants Food and drink Geographical terms Adjectives Abstract nouns Log in to hear
roilleóg bog myrtle Plants Food and drink Geographical terms Log in to hear
báchrán bog bane Colors Geographical terms Plants Log in to hear
giúraí ar adhmad fhásas na giúraí; an chéad chót' - caonach, an dara cót' - giúraí, an tríhú cót' - má sheasann a' t-adhmad barnacles (on timber) Activities Objects Plants Animals The seashore Log in to hear
Aibreán bog braonach agus Bealtaine béil-fhliuch /be:l´ux/, (sean-ocal) i. an ideal season for growth. April Calendar & Seasons Food and drink Feelings Plants Adjectives Log in to hear