Irish English Tags Audio
Thóig a cheann He raised his head Body Language Action Past Tense Neutral
Na haingle a thugtaí orthu Angles is what they were called [lit: given] Geometry Historical Terms Passive Voice Neutral
bhí ráite go bhfeicthí iad ar mhodh ar bith. it's said they were anyway. Reported Speech Concession Past Tense Neutral
D'éirigh ar maidin, deireadh oíche he got up in the morning, very early [lit: the end of the night] Time Expressions Routine Activities Past Tense Neutral
raibh aon am an uair sin le fáil, uaireadóir ar bith, ar ndóiche, the time wasn't available, there were no watches, like Time Absence Past Tense Neutral
ach d'éirigh deireadh oíche but he got up at first light Time Personal Narrative Past Simple Neutral
"ceard 'tá ort?", a dúrt "what's wrong with you?" she said Interjection Indirect Speech Past Simple Neutral
"agus d'éirigh an slua meáin pháistí amach ón doras.” "and a crowd of halfling children rose up outside the door" Fantasy Creatures action/events Past Tense Neutral
trí sciathán orthu they have three wings Countables Physical Characteristics Present Perfect Neutral
ceathrair, trúir gasúir agus gearr-chaile four, three boys and a girl-een Numbers Group Composition Cardinal Numbers Neutral
D'éirigh mise ar maidin I woke up in the morning Time Daily Activities Past Simple Tense Neutral
Is eh, seo Stiofáin Ó Droighneáin, Ó Droighneáin, Eh, this is Stephen Drennan proper nouns introductions Present Simple Neutral
Bhíodh amuigh chuile He used to be outside every day Habitual Actions Past Habits Past Tense Neutral
go leor caint na laethanta seo There's a lot of talk these days Speculation Frequency Present Simple Neutral