Irish English Tags Audio
Caotharnach The mother of the Devil People Relationships Religion Folklore Abstract nouns
Ambaiste By God! (Gaeluinn Chiarraí) Interjections Religion Feelings Everyday phrases Geographical terms Log in to hear
A mh'anam By God! Interjections Religion Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Log in to hear
Go dtáirfí mac sinn/Go bhfóire Dia orainn God save is Religion Feelings Everyday phrases Interjections Proverbs Log in to hear
Tiarna Lord People Religion Abstract nouns Titles Feelings
Aimsir Naomh Pádraic, It was the time of St. Patrick Calendar & Seasons Religion Places names Everyday phrases Time
chuir fear de na naoimh ar a bhfairnéis they searched after one of the Saints Activities People Religion Arguments Everyday phrases
agus nuair a bhí dhá bheannú and when he was blessing Activities Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Religion
rabh beannaithe aige he hadn't blessed Verbs Feelings Past participle Religion Idioms
leis an gCaorthalach at the Mother of the Devil Buildings Religion Place names Folklore The seashore
Agus ansin thainic Clann Lir agus bhaisc an Naomh iad An then the children or Lir arrived and the Saint baptised them People Activities Religion Everyday phrases Feelings
tobar beannaithe ann that there is a Holy well Buildings Religion Abstract nouns Geographical terms Everyday phrases
an t-uisce ina fhuil the water into blood Abstract nouns Food and drink Disaster Religion Everyday phrases
cónra (the) coffin Objects Life & death Buildings Feelings Religion
raibh aon sagart ann There was no priest People Religion Negation Everyday phrases Life & death