Irish English Tags Audio
bhí scuabtha léithi. he was swept away by [lit: with] her Romance Passive Voice Past Tense Emotion
Na haingle a thugtaí orthu Angles is what they were called [lit: given] Geometry Historical Terms Passive Voice Neutral
agus cér bith seort uisce broghach a bhí fágtha ag bean an ti i mbuicéad in íochtar an cisteanadh thíos, and whatever sort of dirty water that was left by the woman of the house in a bucket in the lower end of the kitchen below Relative Clauses Possession Prepositional Phrases Passive Voice
agus a chuirtear go deas cliste ins an teampall. and are buried neat and proper in the graveyard. Past Tense Adverbial Phrase Description Passive Voice
míoltaí mór ar a' gcéibh the whales on the quay marine animals locations Plural Noun Passive Voice