Irish English Tags Audio
daoncheol folk music Music Folklore Activities Feelings Cultural terms Log in to hear
prumpa an Lucht Oibre the Labor trumpet Objects Music Life & death Activities People Log in to hear
Is ceoltóir I'm a musician People Occupations Feelings Music Identity Log in to hear
Amhránaí Singer People Activities Music Adjectives Life & death
Bhí ag seinm/ag casadh/ag bualadh ceoil I was playing music Activities Music Verbs
Na cluasáin Headphones Objects Clothes Sound Music Transport Log in to hear
Fonn Melody Abstract nouns Music Log in to hear
ina ceoltóir, ceoltóir atá inti, is ceoltóir í, She's a musician People Music Adjectives Pronouns Activities
snagcheol jazz Music Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Noise and sounds Log in to hear
Cén chaoi bhfuil gnothaí ó thaobh ceoil de? How are things regarding music? Everyday phrases Conversation Music Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
Sheol muid ár albam úr/nua We launched our new album Activities Music People Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
Trompa Jew's harp Objects Music Instruments Everyday phrases Culture
Baineann muid tionchar ón miotaseolaíocht agus ón tseanchas go háirithe ó na réithe inár stair ina raibh an draíocht agus neart ár sinsir i mbarr a réime agus béim sna liricí ar an tseandálaíocht agus stair na tíre go háirithe ó thaobh na séadchomharthaí de We derive influence from mythology and from folklore, especially from the periods in our history when the magic and strength of our people were at their height and there is an emphasis in the lyrics on the archaeology and history fo the country especially in relation to ancient monuments Folklore History Feelings Abstract nouns Music
Oirnéis/Uirlis ceoil Musical instrument Objects Music Activities Adjectives Life & death
Canaim sa gcúl I sing in the background Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Music The home